Tuesday, November 10, 2009


“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” II Timothy 2:15. I have read that verse so many times, but it never stood out to me like it did a couple of months ago when an atheist challenged me and I didn’t have an answer. It came to my attention again when someone asked why I didn’t do something I had a conviction about and I didn’t have an answer ready. Both of those instances made me a little embarrassed (ashamed). After that I realized why I must “study to shew myself approved”. I think that this verse is telling us that we need to be able to defend the bible and Christianity to an unbeliever, and to know what our convictions are and be able to defend them through the bible. If someone asks us, “how do you know for sure that God created the earth” or “why don’t you smoke”, and all you can say is “well… um…” this verse would say that God is grieved. So I want to challenge you to study, know how the bible and Christianity are accurate and real, and why you do what you do (or don’t do). I also want you to challenge me by leaving a comment asking me what is my conviction on ________ and why (you fill in the blank). I will either reply to you or make another post about it.