Saturday, October 15, 2011


The other week during a bible study at church, the minister asked us to do a very challenging exercise. He asked us to take a breath, and slowly let it out. So I am going to ask you to do the same. Go ahead. Now realize something, that could have been your last breath. God has promised that He “will never leave us or forsake us” (Hebrews 13:5) even though we are not sure of the A to B of life. However we all know one thing is for sure, we will take our last breath! So if that would have been your last breath and you knew it, what you have done to be remembered. When the minister asked us that my mind immediately went to my grandpa's last hour. Right before he was life-flighted to the hospital he, unable to speak, grabbed my grandma's hand, squeezed it and kissed it. Now he is gone, but my grandma has a very special memory to carry her on, and so do I. My point is, that he didn't just go, he left with a legacy right to the end. It didn't start there though, his whole life was an example. So imagine your life, yes (hopefully) your a christian and you've given your life to Christ. But it doesn't end there, there's more to it. Can people see my life as an example? Am I showing people, not only God's love, but His wisdom? Are the younger people looking up to me seeing Christ-likeness? I sat beside a person on a train today and had a nice chat about his college and the youth ranch I am working at, but I didn't share Jesus with him. Will I be standing beside him at judgment someday? Am I being effective for Jesus through Jesus today? May God help me and guide me to serve Him more with all my being! That someday my last breath with be a shebang for those left after!