Thursday, November 17, 2011

Greyhounds and Rabbits!

If your like me, it seems that life has a way of taking our focus off of what really matters. We seek a comfortable life, a newer car, a remodel on the house, or maybe a nicer saddle (okay maybe that more my problem than yours)! Every paycheck we tend to see it as one step closer to happiness! Worry about being able to make it surrounds us. Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Therefore do not worry, saying, 'what shall we eat?' or 'what shall we drink?' or 'what shall we wear?' For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For you heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:31-33). We seek after these things in life that really are meaningless in the large scheme of things! Yet we devote our whole being to seeking it out. But to us it is bigger than life, we just can't go on without it.

In the world of greyhound racing dogs are trained to run after a fake rabbit. These dogs devote all there energy in a quick short race after a fake quarry. There focus is unwavering, there muscles rippling through there sleek body as it gives it all. His devotion is note worthy, it is admirable, however it is pointed to a priceless goal, a fake rabbit. It doesn't happen to often but occasionally a dog will finally reach his prey. Can you imagine the momentary sense of accomplishment! He has run and run for this moment! But then despair, it is fake! What a feeling of despair! So much time spent training for this, and it was all for nothing. Only for that time back to run after the real rabbit! Once a dog has caught the bait he is usually retired because he refuses to run after what he knows is superficial bait.

Look around you, there are people all around running in the “rat race” of life. Seeking a corner office, a bigger home, college education, or a high respect in the church. None of these things are wrong, but are just distractions from what really matters. I am not condemning a “comfortable life”, but at what cost are you claiming it? Sometimes humans too reach there “rabbit”, but often times not till there life is close to over. They look back at there life and the family and friends they could have invested in. They could have spent more time investing in love (eternal) instead of money (temporal). You never find a retired mad who's advise to the younger is to “work hard, and you'll reach your goals”. They always say, “spend more time with those you love”. If you really stop and look at it, what is a nicer home if you don't have the memories in it because your making money to support it? What is corner office if you are always sacrificing to go to it? God knows your needs! He cares and will fulfill them, your kids won't remember how much you gave them, but they will remember the times you spent with them. Deep inside you know what your “rabbit” is! I encourage you to lay it down and go for “The real thing”. There is no despair involved when you finally reach it, only joy!