Thursday, February 11, 2010

Addicted to the Ministy!

The other night my sister and I went with some friends to hear a family sing at a church a little ways from our house. When the singing was done the father stood up to tell us a little story. There was a preacher who lived near Canada that met a Canadian family who invited him over for breakfast some time. One Saturday he decided to take them up on the offer and went driving for the border. When he was in Canada he realized something, he had forgotten their names, and where they lived. He stopped at a gas station and explained what the people looked like. The attendant got a little smile on his face and said, “Oh, I know were you are going”. And gave him directions. Two other times he got lost and explained to someone what the people looked like, every time they got a little smile and said, “Oh, I know where you are going”. When he arrived they sat down at the table and had breakfast. The father handed him the Bible and asked him to lead in devotions. Being a minister he decided he had better be ready “in season and out,” so he opened the bible and began to read. Half way through the chapter he looked up and saw the whole family was sitting there with there eyes closed, drinking in every work he was saying. After dinner the father and boys showed him several tracts they had, and asked him what he thought of them. They showed him around the dairy. While they were touring it a milk truck pulled up. As soon as the driver came to a stop the boys went right up to him and began sharing the gospel with him. After the tour the wife gave him a loaf of bread and a dozen of eggs and sent him on his way. When he reached the boarder the guard asked him if he had anything, and he replied, “Yes I have a loaf of bread and a dozen of eggs”. The guard smiled and said, “I know where you have been, have a good day”, and let him pass. The preacher went home so encouraged by this family that was on fire for Jesus.
The father of the singing family then shared a verse in I Corinthians 16. The verse (15) was about the house of Stephanas. It said that they were addicted to the ministry. They loved God’s work so much, that they were addicted to it. I just had to think, that is how it really should be for all of us. What a challenge. Do I enjoy doing the Lord’s work so much that I am addicted to it, that I just couldn’t do without it. What a challenge. If you have anything to add feel free to leave a comment!